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SUNDAY FUNNIES: Eliminating Your Laundry Piles.

Being mothers, we are always cleaning up after our litters and everyone else in our household, but the one thing we do more than anything else is laundry. It's never-ending. We wash one load and two more loads pop up. Sometimes I think I have 4 extra kids somewhere in hiding that only come out to dirty more clothes. Half the time, it's my husband who will leave his clean clothes on the floor with his dirty ones, forgetting which ones are clean and dirty, thus creating more dirty laundry.
My daughter likes to pull all her clean clothes out of her dresser and do various things with them, such as wear them, clean something up with them, wipes her nose with them and so forth, thus creating more laundry! See, this is exactly why it's never-ending!
Here are 4 solutions to your massive, never-ending laundry piles.
Go green and recycle... Just spray those dirty clothes with Fabreeze and just stick them right back in the closets and dressers. They won't even notice. Heck, your kids wear dirty clothes for a minimum of 2 days anyways and your toddlers wouldn't care if you dressed them in paper bags... which brings me to my next solution...
Can't generate dirty clothes if your kids just wear paper bags... If they get them dirty, consider it art. Paper bags are cheaper than clothes and laundry soap anyways.
Just donate all their clothes. No clothes, no laundry. No laundry, no laundry soap. Look, now your saving money and giving to those in need. Go on and pat yourself on the back. Not only that, that laundry is now someone else's problem and not yours.
All Natural
Let em run around naked. All natural. (Except your husband of course, no child needs to see that.) I mean, they are naked half the time anyways. Think about it, it'll be easier to potty train if your little little's are completely nude AND you are saving money on diapers. GO YOU.

Now, go save time, money and your sanity and go eliminate your massive laundry pile!


  1. I love this momma! Laundry and I do not get along at all. I'm pretty sure I've been washing the same load of clothes on repeat since my son was born (6 months ago) just so I don't have to dry and fold! Thanks for the humor. I'm seriously considering donating all of our clothes to get rid of the never ending problem!!!

  2. So... this is hilarious. I type this as there is a big (okay huge) pile of laundry waiting for me on my bed before I can go to sleep. oh, who am I kidding, I will just throw in in the floor and go to bed !

    1. I've done this for the last week. I have a bed full of like 4 baskets of... clean...? clothes and I say I am going to put them away and just end up on the floor and then back on the bed everyday. Back and forth.

  3. So true. My boys get so many different outfits on through out the day. So I never know what is clean or dirty. 😑

  4. At first I missed that this was a joke. I was appalled at the idea of just using fabreeze! Lol

    1. Lmao! That makes this even funnier! I was waiting for someone to comment, thinking I was serious. That's why I called it SUNDAY FUNNIES. Lol.

  5. Omg I laughed so hard at this! I have a post about how to do laundry in 15 "easy steps" that is similar type of humor. It is seriously never ending. Mostly I let my child run around all day in just a diaper and live in pajamas just to cut down on it, and I still feel like I do 50 loads a week!

  6. Omg this made me laugh and cringe at thesame time. Im Imagining how funny it would be if someone didn’t catch the sarcasm and took your advice 😂

  7. I definitely laughed out loud at the paper back idea.


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