My name is Jessie (Yes, it's short for Jessica, but no one calls me that.) I am 26 years old. I have been blogging for about 4 years. There are a few reasons why I started blogging. One: It's a stress reliever for me. Two: It keeps my friends and family up to date about my kids and my exciting life. And Three: I just love to write. I am a wife and a mom to 3. Two step kids and one of my own. My family means more to me than anything. I have a pretty cool full time job as a captioning agent at Captioncall. What's a captioning agent you ask? Well, I will tell ya. I provide close captions for a special telephone for the hearing impaired so that they can read what the person they are talking to is saying. Pretty cool, huh? While I love my job, my passion is photography. I love taking pictures of pretty much anything. Landscapes are my favorite. If you'd like to see my photos, click the "My photography" tab at the top of my page. I also really love to sew. One year for Christmas, I made everyone's gifts. Sewing is a stress reliever for me too! My family and I have 2 dogs. Our 9 year old Pekingese named Lily and our 4 year old American bulldog and Dotson mix named Oreo. Yes, I know, what an odd mix. We also kind of adopted an outside cat that comes and goes when she pleases. We fed her one day and then she kept coming back. I am like 110% sure that I am OCD when it comes to cleaning and organizing. I freak out often if something isn't cleaned the right. I am one of those, "There's a specific way to put the toilet paper on the holder" kind of person. -Hey, don't judge me, alright?-
Since I've started blogging, I've only blogged about my husband personally like once or twice, so this is dedicated to my mechanic husband. Erich has been working on cars since he was about 14 years old, so 20 years. He does it for a living but on diesels. He does it in hi spare time as well so basically, all the freaking time. Here's what to expect if you date a mechanic. Car Talk Mechanics talk about cars like 24/7; Parts, make and model, they even try to explain to you how certain parts work. If you tell them you don't understand, they will explain again, in depth with more detail, which is even more confusing. Either go on Google and learn a little bit or pretend you understand what they are talking about. Oil & Grease White anything is against any mechanics beliefs. I have to clean the walls, counters, appliances, PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING at minimum of 3 times a week. They are usually covered from head to toe in oil and grease. Honestly, I thin...